So how was Thailand? Pretty damn amazing that's for sure. Where else in the world can you walk through the red light district, watch go go dancers, drink a beer and feed a baby elephant all at the same time? Bangkok, Thailand, that's where. This is really a baby elephant and not some staged photo, incredible!!!

We landed into Bangkok, Thailand around noon and got "scammed" at the airport. We went up to the taxi booth inside the airport and ordered a cab. 1200 baht (33 baht = 33 Taiwan $ = 1 US $) from the airport to our hotel. We thought it should be about 300 baht, "Oh that's what it costs outside as well". Ok, we just got here, let's take it. We get to the hotel and asked the front desk, "12oo baht? That isn't possible, do you have your receipt?" "Yes." "Oh you paid for a limo." Well I guess in Thailand a SUV is a taxi." We at least we didn't get scammed again on the ride back to the airport from our hotel.
That day we went to the Chatuchak Weekend Market. It was literally over a 1000 outdoor shops with any and everything you could think of buying. We saw: food, shirts, pants, hats, dogs, cats, fish, squirrels, chickens, a live cock fight, and many, many, many more things.

The highlight of the market was when we left and ran into a woman selling grasshoppers, cockroaches, worms and baby birds all cooked some kind of brownish color. As you can see Charlene was happy to sample the grasshoppers. I can't imagine why she ended up in the hospital when we got back to Taiwan (more on that later).

Later that night we went to
Lumpinee Stadium, the most famous
Muay Thai Kickboxing Stadium in the world and got to sit in the second row. It was amazing to not only see the sport up so close, but to also see the culture behind the fighting. The fighters enter the ring, and then do a Ram
Muay dance to prepare themselves and pay respect to their heritage and
training before the fight. A live band plays during the dance, and also during the entire match. Amazing stuff, it was a real
privilege to see this first hand, in the birthplace of
Muay Thai.

The next day we visited many of the temples that are everywhere in Bangkok. The only analogy I can give is they reminded me of an Asian version the cathedrals I have seen in Europe. These temples were magnificent. Enormous and beautifully decorated with many colors and tiny mirrors. Some of the most amazing architecture I have ever seen in my entire life.

The temple visit was slightly soured by being "redirected" on the street when Charlene asked for directions to a second temple (that is why men never ask for directions). He directed us to a tuk tuk driver (mini taxi-like motorcycle/car hybrid). We wanted to go to this second temple, but he lied and told us it didn't open until 2:00pm. Why don't you go visit this other "lucky" temple first and then go to the temple you originally wanted to go to...and it will only cost you 20 baht? Ok, what the hell, this guy is nice and that is a great price. Here is a luxurious tuk tuk.

A long story, short, we ended up being dropped off at a jewelry store first (ok fine) then come out after two minutes not buying anything then the same tuk tuk driver takes us to the "lucky" temple, where we meet a "nice guy" at that temple who speaks perfect English. Very friendly, but talks about how much money he makes buying jewelery and selling it in the USA. We then go back to the same tuk tuk driver who again waits for us, and takes us to a SECOND jewelry store. WTF! Ok, we spend five minutes in there, and again leave not buying anything. We come out, and the same tuk tuk driver finally takes us to the second temple we originally wanted to go to. Wow amazing, the temple was open all day and not closed until 2:00pm.
It was only after the fact later that day that we realized all 3 people and the 2 jewelry stores were all in on this "scam". We actually ran into the "friendly directions guy" again later that day. He avoided us like the plague. I felt like saying "Fuck off" or "You're a asshole.", but in the end I just shook my head back and forth when I walked past him.
Later that night we ended up going to the red light district of Bangkok. We were
approached every few minutes by guys showing us signs asking if we...and I quote...(scan ahead if you don't want to read the XXX quote)..."would like to see the Pussy Ping Pong Show".
Hmmm let me think about that? Ah no, but thank you.
Ok fine one time, but this happened at least 10 times. We were shopping and wanted a drink so one of these guys directed us to a bar which ended up being the special "show" but all it really was, was just a strip club with a bunch of naked dancers on stage. No thanks, bye. We eventually found a normal bar with a band, had a few drinks and went to the other red light district (there are 2, this was the shopping friendly one with the "special shows").

The second red light district was much nicer. One long street called the Soi Cowboy area. This was a bunch of strip club bars with nice outdoor areas outside. It was funny, every bar had a large screen LDC TV playing live soccer games outside in front on the outdoor patio. Well they know what their customers like, beer, sports and naked women. We sat outside a bar enjoying the spectacle, and that is when we saw the baby elephant being walked down the strip. It was amazing for 50 baht, I was able to pet and feed this baby elephant. Unreal and definitely the highlight of the trip.
We returned back to the hotel that night and prepared to go home the next day. We got up, checked out, and went shopping a little the next day. Nothing too crazy, but a nice relaxing few hours. I even picked up a copy of the Iron Man DVD for 100 baht (about $3 US) on the street.

We made it to the airport and got back into Taiwan around Midnight. I had class and a test in 8 hours so I pretty much just went to sleep. I woke up the next day, exercised, took the test (got an 88, not too bad considering everything) and came home
exhausted. I called Charlene and she was at work but feeling really sick and said she was going to come home. I felt tired, but not really sick. She came back and passed out for a few hours. She woke up around 7:00pm and said she needed some medicine because she had a fever and didn't feel too well. We walked up to the pharmacy store on our block and as she was talking to the pharmacist, she passed out. I caught her but she fell down to the floor. The pharmacist called a taxi and we went to the hospital two blocks away. She was only out for about 10 seconds, but it was a long scary 10 seconds.
Kind of scary huh? Just back from Thailand...I kept imagining the National Geographic shows "Survival, Almost Dead" or something like that where someone goes for a tropical vacation and comes back with some parasite in their brain. Well the hospital gave her an IV, and did a blood test. Everything looked
ok and more than likely she was fighting something from some food she ate (remember the grasshoppers?). After three hours we left the hospital with some
medicine and Charlene was feeling much better. She is feeling better today, so that's good. Moral of the story: don't eat insect street food on the streets of Bangkok.
Bangkok was an amazing city and the most international city of any I have visited in Asia. Most of the people were extremely friendly (besides the jewelry scammer guys) and everything was very inexpensive. It is definitely a great place to go on a vacation. I'd recommend it to anyone...just avoid the tuk tuk drivers.