Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Slowly adjusting

Jet lag is still kicking my ass, but I'm slowly adjusting. I guess it doesn't make it to hard to get up for my 8:00am class when I have jet lag and the old people in the park outside start doing their exercises and chanting at 5:30am.

I switched to an earlier class and this teacher is much better. Much more methodical and also used to teach Chinese in the USA. There are three people from Spain in this class, one girl from Vietnam and one Chinese American from Los Angeles. I'm much happier in this class and think that I'll be able to learn more easily in this new environment.

After class today I bought some goods at a drug store. I got home and tried out the digital clock I bought and unfortunately not all of the LED's light up correctly. Do they not test these things? Well after seeing how things are built in China, I'm actually not too surprised. My big test for tomorrow will be trying to take this clock back and exchange it for another one speaking Chinese. I think I know most of the words, but my guess is that my grammar is going to be pretty horrific. Should be another step up on my learning curve. I've bought passport photos, bread, food and other stuff not using really any English. It helps that the cash register shows the price, but I can understand the numbers and prices now.

I'm also watching a lot of children's TV and it is actually very interesting. I always liked Sesame Street when I was a kid. I guess I've never really grown up because I'm enjoying the Taiwanese children's TV shows and cartoons. I can only understand a few phrases and read a few Chinese characters, but every day I watch I'm hearing and understanding more and more things. My personal favorite channel is MOMO. I'm not sure what the name of this show is, but it is one of my favorites:

Who said learning can't be fun?


  1. I think I may see four big reasons why this may be one of your favorite shows.


  2. MOMO TV is vanessa's favorit TV program as well!


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