Friday, November 21, 2008

Off to Macau for the weekend

Traveling to Macau, the "Las Vegas of Asia", is not going to be as glamorous as it sounds. My Taiwan visa is only good fro 30 days, so to avoid any immigration problems I need to leave the country and come back before the 30 day time limit. In Los Angeles I didn't have much time before my trip to get a student visa. My punishment is I'm forcing myself to take two mini-vacations. I guess things could be worse.

We looked into the closest/cheapest countries to visit: Hong Kong, Macau, Thailand, Philippines, Japan, Bali, and a few other places. Macao was the fastest and least expensive of the group. I have to be back in Taiwan to take a test on Monday, so this is a "fly out Saturday morning - fly back Sunday night" trip.

People say, "Don't gamble or lose too much money while you're there." One thing is certain, in Macau, there is no possible way for me to lose anything remotely close to the money I've lost in the stock market the past 4 weeks.

1 month down, 2 to go.


1 comment:

  1. I made the same trip from Hong Kong by boat to renew my visa. I agree -- a strange place -- I had lunch and left a few hours later.


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